It's them, not us. Right?!
It's 2016 and I've really had to contemplate, what my resolutions would be this year. As I think about what a crazy end of year 2015 was, and how 2016 is starting out, I've decided that I'm going to choose the subject that seems to resonate with me the most. To make it my goal, to become the best version of me, I can. This one, will be hard to measure, but it means the most to me, so I'm willing to do my best. My first goal of the year, is to give to others, to the best of my ability, with all my heart. This means to stop making rash judgments of other people/situations, and to look inward and see how I can change. You know, judge less. Love more. This is a voting year, and I think we all agree, that we have already seen some crazy politics and opinions. Just scroll down your news feed on Facebook, and it won't take you long to see what people's opinions and judgements are. Everyone has their opinions and thoughts about who the best candidate is. I do! Wh...