Forward Progress...

I thought it was about time for a little update on the goals.  I never really did share any of my other goals for 2014 and I haven't given any details about the progress on my previous goal.  So, for the previous goal of running and training for the half marathon, here's where I'm at:  I have signed up for the Cellcom, in Green Bay, at the end of May. I have been training since my last article. I was completely unaware of how fast the race booked up and found out they were sold out way back in February. Thankfully there are friends, and Craig's List and I was able to secure a spot in the race.
One of the many benefits of training for the marathon is that I've been able to lose 25lbs. Mostly through a beginners half marathon training schedule and also a low carb diet. My sister introduced me to this amazing workout in Howard called Bod-e Bootcamp. Wow!!! It's all about muscle confusion and some pretty intense workouts. I absolutely loved it! I went for a week and even in that short amount of time, I was able to see some amazing changes in my body and also with my endurance. The Monday after the week at Bod-e, I ran on the treadmill. My pace significantly increased. My plan is to sign up for Bod-e for the summer. Though the race is yet to come, I feel good about my accomplishments thus far.
Ok- Resolution #2-Break Free from my constant need of validation and approval.
At one point, I thought I had it beat. Truth be told, I don't. I know we all need relationships and each other. It's not that. It goes beyond what is a God given desire for relationship in all of us. I kind of freak if a relationship doesn't translate. I feel like it is the one area that I'm generally decent at. Being a friend, loving with all my heart, caring about others before myself. These are all traits that I sincerely feel and have. BUT if something goes wrong, somebody doesn't feel it, like me, or is not having the friendship, I start to do whatever it takes to manipulate or make that relationship work. Which then is no longer selfless and becomes selfish.  So, how do I "break free". Well I know I need to place God above everything in my life and that's not happening. I also read somewhere that you can only "break free" if you want to. Your prayer sometimes needs to be "help my want to". Then I know I need to surround myself with the people that really truly and honestly love me and want the best for me. This goal, I'm working on.  The progress is much slower. So "God, please help my want to."


  1. Your honesty is genuine, and the vulnerability here is really refreshing.
    You're doing great!!

  2. Let no one or nothing keep you from your vision of strength and health! I am so proud of you!

  3. I'm finally getting to this!! You are exactly right on, sometimes our "selflessness" becomes very "selfish." You know it, now just have confidence that you know it! True friends speak truth and life, you don't need anyone else. Life is too short. It is totally parallel to your physical lifestyle right are doing the work and reaping the benefits. You are strong. Keep telling yourself that. I love you and I look forward to kicking some tail with you at Bod-e this summer!


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