My First Resolution

At the beginning of the year, like so many people, I came up with a list of resolutions.  At the top of the list, was to create a blog so I could document my success and failures.  Well it is now July 9th and I'm just getting to it.  You decide...failure??  Well it is still 2013 and no time like the present to start.  I'm hoping to have fun writing about my accomplishments and lack there of.  Starting 6 months after I should, kind of defines my personality.  I'm a bit of a procrastinator.  Changing that is NOT actually one of my resolutions this year.   So, here we go blog world.  I'm going to give you a try.
Resolution #1-Starts right now


  1. Well it's about time, sister. I never doubted you for a second....because you always do what you say you're gonna do...but the truth is, I'm happy happy happy you're finally here! Yay! Welcome to blogville!


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